February 20, 2022

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jeff continues our sermon series on Desire, preaching on what it is that God...

February 13, 2022

Relationships, Food, Indulgences, Power, Money, Success, Fame, Family … and the list goes on. Desire is at the core of who we are as humans. We crave the things that we think will make us better. Could it be that all of these things are a symptom of a much...

February 6, 2022

God is always with us. He is sovereign over all creation. But, everyone has had that time where it seemed God was absent. The inevitable question that arose: “Where are you God?” Why does God remain silent at times? Life is full of pain and suffering, but...

January 30, 2022

The Gospel. The good news of salvation. It’s easy to get off track in our Christian walk and forget what it is all about. This week was a “get back to the basics”. We have the greatest news of all time. We hold the answer. As Christians we have...

January 23, 2022

We live in a world where everyone is trying to get ahead. We have this deep down desire to “be somebody”. Jesus flips the script. The first are last. The humble are exalted. The proud are brought down. God’s Kingdom is different than the kingdom of...

January 16, 2022

Jesus came and brought the good news of salvation. But, the gospel isn’t just salvation. Jesus brought in a Kingdom. Not just any Kingdom, but the Kingdom of...