June 27, 2021

Christians are supposed to be known for their love. Throughout the Bible we see love. God is love, and we are to love. Jesus said love envelopes the top two commandments: To love God and to love others. But what is love? Has the modern understanding of love...

June 20, 2021

Different is good. As a Christ follower we should be different. The way we act, the way we talk, and yes, the way we love, should be different. If we are going to make a difference, we have to be...

June 13, 2021

God has more for His people than we can possibly imagine. How much can He do in a life that is fully committed? Could it be that the “more” is available right now, but just needs to be asked for? When the purposes in our hearts align with the purposes of...

June 6, 2021

There are churches everywhere. There are Christians all around the world. But, what makes a church a church? What makes a Christian a Christian? It all comes down to the gospel of Jesus...

May 30, 2021

It’s the story of a wayward son, but it’s really more a story of a loving father. Even in rejection the father continued to love. Every parent knows this kind of love. No matter where your son or daughter goes. No matter what they do. No matter how far...