July 29, 2018

God is a generous God.  He is at work, and he has done so much in the past.  We are blessed people.  The more we are generous with our blessing, the more God continues to be generous.  God continues to bless and continues to bless and continue to...

July 22, 2018

His name was Sergio.  He was 12 years old, though he looked much younger.  Sergio was blind, but now he can see.  Yes, Jesus healed in the past, but he still heals...

July 15, 2018

The Domino Effect.  One action causes a reaction, which leads to a chain of events and a series of consequences.  The Bible teaches that “you reap what you sow”.  Basically, you get out what you put in, you grow what you plant.  Everything in life, every...