May 27, 2018

It looks like the real thing, but it’s not.  Fools Gold is worthless no matter how much it appears worthy.  How many Christians miss the real thing and settle for a counterfeit version?  It looks good, it seems good, but it’s not the real...

May 20, 2018

Roots run deep.  They are unseen and under the surface.  If you chop a plant down without removing the roots, it always grows back.  In order to truly remove it, the roots must be pulled up.  So often, Christians focus on the visible issues, the sins that are...

May 13, 2018

When a kid cleans their room, there is a difference between “My Clean” and “Mom Clean”.  “Mom Clean” is clean on another level.  How does God view being clean?  God desires those with “clean hands and a pure heart”.  How...